Faith Formation Program for Children

Registration for 2024-25 is now closed.

Please contact Fran in the office for information.

We are so excited to partner with you and your child as we come together around the Word of God and discover the beauty of our Catholic faith traditions as a domestic Church and a Church community!

Teaching our Catholic faith begins with you, the parents.  You are the primary educators of your children! We are here to support you in your family's faith development. Children take their example from you. If you pray, they will pray. If your faith is important to you, it will be important to them. If you are kind to others and treat them with respect, your children are sure to follow. Come to church as a family and your children will learn that they are a part of God's larger family.

Our Faith Formation Coordinator is Fran Burzstyn.  Please reach out to her with any questions you may have about our program.

Faith Formation is an 8-year program and begins with Level 1, usually when a child enters first grade in school.  At Mary Immaculate, this level is home-taught.  We will provide you with all materials, as well as guidance and support.  There will be 5 assessments that will need to be returned to the Faith Formation Office to successfully complete the year. There will also be 3 Parent/Child meetings each year. We are here to help you in any way we can.  Level 1 marks the beginning of a two-year preparation for First Holy Communion. 

Level 2 students further their preparation for reception of their First Eucharist.  This class meets in person in our Large Church.  The day and time varies each year.

Levels 3 through 6 continue your children's education in the faith, deepening their love of God, respect for themselves and each other, and encouraging their sense of service and kindness to all.

Level 7 begins a two-year preparation program for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  During this time, children develop a deeper faith and spiritual life, as well as a more mature sense of responsibility and respect towards others.

Level 8 culminates with your child's acceptance as a fully-initiated member of the Catholic Faith through the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

There is a fee charged to help cover the cost of the operation of the Faith Formation Program.

This fee does not cover all of the expenses of the Program. It does, however, help defray the cost of the Program to the parish.
The fees for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:

  • One child: $110   
  • Two children: $190 
  • Three or more: $215

Catechists are always welcome!  Please contact Fran if you are interested in the rewarding way to share your faith.

We look forward to working in partnership with all our families as we delve deeper into our Catholic faith this year! God bless you all!


Adults interested in completing their sacraments or exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic are also welcomed to discuss the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults here at Mary Immaculate.  Contact Fran Bursztyn at or call the rectory office at 631-286-0154.

Email Fran
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